
Working With Others



Santasia Hill has been featured on several platforms and looks forward to serving others along her journey.


Stilettos in the City PodCast

3 Tips to Improve Your Credit Now

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Single Moms Retreat

Santasia had the honor of supporting TDR Brands Int with a giveback to Single Moms. In a disclosed location outside of Atlanta select Moms were able to bring their kids and enjoy life.  Santasia provided information concerning Credit Restoration and the Importance of Maintaining Healthy Credit Decisions.  Santasia took pleasure in consulting with the Moms and helping them with steps to moving forward with their credit.

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Journey To Africa

Santasia Hill partnered with other entrepreneurs from all over the country to travel to Johannesburg South Africa for 7 days.  During this trip they toured several historical sites along with exploring the culture of the land. These women locked arms for a Woman to Woman event where sisterhoods were developed and hearts were awaken and in tune for their next assignments.